26 March 2013

The cost of an iPhone

The cost of owning an iPhone 5 on each of the four major carriers in the USA is here. The cheapest of these is about $2300 over two years. I use a company called SimpleMobile. Their plan is $42 per month including taxes and fees, while the story I linked to above excludes the taxes and fees. So that makes the service plan cost $504 per year. So if you bought an unsubsidized iPhone 5 32GB from Amazon for $838 you would still only spend $1846 for the same two years. If you bought an unsubsidized iPhone 4S from Amazon for $629 you’d save roughly another $210. Of course, if you buy an unlocked Nexus 4 from Google Play for $349 you save half the total cost of ownership of an iPhone. That’s right, you are paying Apple about $500 a year on most carriers for the privilege of buying apps, music, and movies from them using their software.
I’m just saying...

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