This is a difficult thing to write, but my flamboyantly LGBT
friends need to back off.
I love you all. I love your wit, humor, faces, and most of
all I love your honesty. It is too bad that right now you are being a little
The battle going on right now in American politics is silly
but it needs to happen. Gay people are just like us. They deserve equal
protection under the law. They deserve to be married. They deserve to be equal.
However this also means they don’t get to be special.
Drag queens don’t get to be angry if they threaten people
openly. You are a six foot five man, in eight inch platform shoes and a pink
gown you scare normal people. If you live as a woman you don’t get to be a
caricature. If you are dressed fashionably and tastefully then rock on, but if
you dress like a freak I will call you on it.
The more you look like us, the more you will be considered
No this isn’t applicable in a Cabaret show at midnight, but
it matters when you speak to Senators, march on your City Hall, and engage in
real dialog.
Show the world how normal you are, so we can show you how
much we don’t care. You can be just like us, and we can all live together.
Ross Winn
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