27 September 2012

Dredd 3D

As I am want to do traveling across America I went to the movies tonight. Since I figured it could not be worse than the 1995 Sylvester Stallone abortion that raped one of my favorite comics from my childhood; I decided to see Dredd. What a good decision that turned out to be. 

This film is fantastic!

This is a spoiler free review, so let’s start with the basics. This is a film adaptation of a British Comic, set in post apocalyptic America, starring a New Zealander, and shot in South Africa.  It has all the recipes for disaster built in, and yet it captures the essence and style of Judge Dredd almost exactly as I recall him from my youth.  There is literally nothing about this film that I would change.

Even though I generally dislike 3D films, I missed the last 2D showing so I donned my glasses and went in. The film uses 3D in some very interesting and visually pleasing ways. The acting is well balanced and even, the story is tight and linear, the photography is colorful and interesting, and the music is great. This is the best SF action movie I’ve seen in ages. Do not take young kids. This is a bloody, violent film with nothing for children what so ever.

Plans are in the works for two sequels and the film is doing very well abroad, so why does it seem to be tanking in the US? I don’t know, but you should go see it right now. 

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