18 November 2018


Evernote has been a go to application for me since version 2 for Windows and before the application became a web based service. I have been a user and a huge advocate for the service for a decade and I'm sad today because things look grim. I don't want to belabor the point, I'm sure you know better than I.

There are three things you need to do to revitalize Evernote and none of them include pain. They build community, communicate openly, and remove uncertainty.

The first thing you need to do is pull back to the old pricing. Evernote is too expensive and since 90% of your customers don't use half of your features that's a problem. Not to long ago your service was valuable at $50 a year. Now you've doubled the price and added zero new features or capabilities for the average user. To make matters worse you haven't addressed any of the features that many users have requested. This is a huge issue and if you're coddling for our five big corporate customers that's fine, but the rest of us don't care or want to pay for it, period.

The second thing is openness. There's a ton of ways to import into Evernote but not a single simple way to export from Evernote. We get it, you want people to stay. However now when we're all wondering if you're going to make it we need to feel like we can have our shit if you go out of business. So what happens now is that I have spent 6 days exporting and indexing 6,000 individual notes that I have accumulated over the last 10 years. unless I see some strong commitment to openness from Evernote I'm just simply never coming back. I don't think I'm alone and I don't think I'm going to be alone. I'm seeing new videos and new articles daily wondering when your company is going to stop being viable. face the reality of what's going on head on and be honest with your community or they are going to leave one at a time.

This is the key to the third thing is to communicate openly. I'm hearing a lot about Evernote from everybody else except Evernote and that's a huge issue right now. All of us deserve to know what's going on, if you're going to change the logo and make the application look different I'm going to pack my stuff and go. That kind of corporate dishonesty is not something I'm going to tolerate at this point in the game. Evernote doesn't need a new look, or a new logo, or a new icon. Instead it needs a new honesty, a new community, and a new openness.

Thanks for taking the time to listen to an interested user and long time customer.

Ross Winn

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